
Rosetta has customisation as a fundamental principal of it’s design. Starting with it’s ability to process any part of any message you receive. Why store data you don’t want or need? It also gives users the opportunity to enforce, design or cater for any scenario you currently face. A cover page on the front of each Referral? Checklist for every test result received? It’s possible.


Any piece of data you receive can be used by the Workflow Engine as a rule to determine what to do next. With it’s wide array of information connectors and its ability for you to develop your own, the workflow engine is only limited by your imagination. Even the time of day on a customised schedule can be used to determine your information flow.


Rosetta can cater for the single specialist office and multi site organisation simply and easily. By separating the message processing and the workflow component Rosetta is able to deliver your information right to your door step, across the internet, securely. It’s as simple as opening a port on your firewall. Rosetta Workflow engine will process messages as they are received. Not only is Rosetta geographically scale-able, its also process scale-able. If one workflow engine is not enough to cope with the message load, deploy as many as you need. The intelligence of the queuing system means that you can deploy workflow engines at multiple locations anywhere in the world to share the workload.


With only 4 components, Rosetta is easy to deploy taking less than 10 mins on a standard server installation. With current HL7 standards and sample workflows, out of the box, Rosetta will be running in your office within the hour.

Your Information, Your way.

* multi-branch solution

* HL7 integration

* referrals, results processing

* rule based workflow

* schedule based workflow